Oración por la Paz (Prayer for Peace)

Oración por San Francisco (Prayer of St. Francis)



Commissioned by the San Diego Children’s Choir in loving memory of its founding director, Oración por la Paz is new take on what is known traditionally as "The Prayer of St Francis." This lyrical and vibrant SSAA a cappella setting in the Spanish language is suitable for any setting: concert, church, or tour.


Item Voicing/Instrumentation Duration Price Audio View Score Quantity
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SSAA , a cappella 4:00 $2.00 https://www.joanszymko.com/sites/joanszymko.com/files/audio_samples/Oraci%C3%B3n%20de%20la%20Paz_JS-108.mp3

Oración de la Paz

Anonymous, from a French Catholic periodical (1912)
Traditionally known as "Prayer of St Francis"

Hazme un instrumento de tu paz.
Donde haya odio, siembre yo amor;
donde haya injuria, perdón;
donde haya duda, fe;
donde haya desesperación, donde haya oscuridad —
lleve yo la esperanza,
lleve yo la luz,
y donde haya tristeza, gozo!

O divino Maestro, concédeme
no tanto ser consolado
sino consolar,
ser comprendido sino comprender,
ser amado sino amar.
Porque cuando damos recibimos,
cuando perdonamos somos perdonados,
y cuando morimos
nacemos a la luz eterna.


Prayer for Peace

Make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hate, may I sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, where there is darkness—
may I bring hope,
may I bring light,
and where there is sadness, joy!

O Divine Teacher, grant me
not so much to be comforted
but to comfort;
to be understood but to understand,
to be loved but to love.
Because when we give we receive,
when we forgive we are forgiven,
and when we die
we are born to eternal light.


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